My first Riley; please be gentle.
My Prefix you must pass if you want to get rich
My Infix is a base, movable or in place
My Suffix is a plant, a stand, a time.
My whole will probably never come
What am I?
My first Riley; please be gentle.
My Prefix you must pass if you want to get rich
My Infix is a base, movable or in place
My Suffix is a plant, a stand, a time.
My whole will probably never come
What am I?
Are you
waiting for GODOT?
My Prefix you must pass if you want to get rich
As others have stated, this is GO.
My Infix is a base, movable or in place
A fixed or movable ODOmeter? Could also be DO, the fixed or movable base of the solfège scale.
My Suffix is a plant, a stand, a time.
T(ea) plant, T(ea) stand, T(ea) time.
My whole will probably never come
Godot never does show up!
Partial answer:
So far i have:
My Prefix you must pass if you want to get rich
GO, you gotta pass it if you want 200$
My Infix is a base, movable or in place
RV, or a recreational vehicle, is a sort of a "base" that can move or be stationary. Or if this is incorrect, the infix is clearly this multifunctional movable base
My Suffix is a plant, a stand, a time.
My whole will probably never come
Also unsure
@Cubemaster has already discovered the prefix, and I believe the answer could be:
My prefix you must pass if you want to get rich.
go: In Monopoly the board game, you have to pass GO to get $200.
My infix is a base, movable or in place.
Could be the letter a; it begins the alphabet (therefore it is the base), and it is present in base, movable, and place.
My suffix is a plant, a stand, a time.
I think this is most likely t as the letter is contained in all three; plant, stand, and time.
My whole will probably never come.
A goat will probably never come.
Unfinished answer:
My Prefix you must pass if you want to get rich
GO field from Monopoly, as others stated
My Infix is a base, movable or in place
My Suffix is a plant, a stand, a time.
Tree (tree as a plant or wooden support, and three as a time)
My whole will probably never come
Go...tree - what I have so far. I Have a feeling that I don't know the word in question :) A name Godfrey comes to mind.
UPD: Oops, it's already done and dusted.