...Now, for this alchemic recipe you will need the following ingredients:
Liquid ones:
- A bottle of ■■■■. If you can, you shouldn't choose the strongest one - you'll need a plenty of it, because it will also give the sweetness to the cake.
- A cup filled with ■■■■. Now, sure, you can use the water from other sources, especially if it's winter, but that will ruin all the magic.
Lumpy ones:
- A pot full of ■■■■■ - I mean, any cake without it wouldn't be a cake anymore. Mix it with your own hands for more magic.
- A bucket of ■■■■. You want your cake to the fattest, most calorious cake ever? I'm sure you do. If you don't, you can take several sticks of butter, but that ruins the magic again.
Granulized ones
- A handful of ■■■■. Watch the nearby crows - they shouldn't eat it before you add them to the coldron.
- A pinch of ■■■■ for the taste. Yes, even cakes need it, and it has nothing to do with magic.
Special ones (magic, duh!)
- You need some ■■■■ in your cake - then the cake will make you feel correspondingly. If you, like a proper magician, have a long beard, you can donate some of it to the cooking. If you are a witch, you might prefer to use your black cat.
Bon appetit!
May you see, the magician constructing this list forgot to put the ingredients in proper order, so I can't cook it really (not that I wanted to eat that stuff, anyways). Oh, and he also erased the names of ingredients. But this won't be a problem for you, will it? Please, help me make a pretty cake.
Hint 1:
Every ingredient name consists of one syllable, seven syllables total.
Hint 2:
Salt is the fifth ingredient.
Hint 3:
The 'music' tag is here for a reason. However, the 'knowledge' tag would probably be too much.