Warning: Skewey logic ahead.
First off:
If you have 6 or 7 diamonds, you know that the combination is 1,1,7
or 1,2,6
right away.
Now, since no one said that, it's clearly not true. However:
The only time that this gives you new information is if you have either 1 or 2 diamonds
This means:
Anyone who looks interested in that fact has either 1 or 2 diamonds - but they still don't know how many the other people have
This means that someone else has to make a guess:
Now knowing that at least 1 person has either 1 or 2 diamonds:
If they have 5 diamonds, then the combinations available are 1,3,5
with 1 interested person or 2,2,5
with 2 interested people
If they have 4 diamonds, then the combinations available are 1,4,4
with 1 interested person, or 2,3,4
also with 1 interested person
If they have 3 diamonds, then the combinations available are 1,3,5
with 1 interested person, or 2,3,4
also with 1 interested person
If they have 2 diamonds, then the only combination available is 2,2,5
with 1 other interested person
If they have 1 diamond, then no one else will show any interest - so we discount this option
Since we know that someone must make a correct guess here, we know that
The guesser does not have 1, 3, or 4 diamonds
The combinations are 1,3,5
or 2,2,5
Furthermore! We know that one person guesses, hence:
The combination is 1,3,5
, and the guesser is the person with 5 diamonds, because if the combination was 2,2,5
then everyone would be able to guess it at this point.