
My abbreviation divides me,

in half I would be.

My anagram shares its colour with sage,

Overall, I can be measured with age.

What am I?


3 Answers 3


I think the answer might be


My abbreviation divides me,
in half I would be.

mi is half of the word mile

My anagram shares its colour with sage,

Lime (green)

Overall, I can be measured with age.

mile + age = mileage, which is a measure of the number of miles covered.


ok, probably wrong... but


My abbreviation divides me,

in half I would be.

This is a stretch but ♁ is the symbol of Earth, upside down it is the symbol for female, or half the population

My anagram shares its colour with sage

Heart (purple heart, purple sage)

Overall, I can be measured with age

Earth time is measured in ages


Is the answer


My abbreviation divides me,

In half I would be

An ohm is abbreviated with an omega, which the word ohm is about half of.

My anagram share its color with sage

Hom is a plant that is green

Overall I can be measured by age

Ohm-age is how resistance is measured


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