As I got ready for work today, I had my television on Netflix as I always do. See, the thing about Netflix, they auto-play trailers for the item that is currently in focus. Well, after starting my television (which defaults to Netflix) and heading to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, I heard the theme song of my childhood. I decided to write a riddle centered around this; however, since I'm also dealing with encryption at work this week, and there's an entire focus on steganography here, I decided to step it up a bit. For today's riddle I'm going to take things up a notch and make an incredibly nested riddle. This riddle (if I'm correct on terminology) will enter the following categories on your journey:
- Rhymes
- Mathematics
- Steganography
- Lateral Thinking
Now, before we get into this puzzle, I'd like to point out a fact to help you along the way.
- This riddle is restricted to the original series.
In order for an answer to be accepted, you must answer the following questions:
- What is the series this riddle is based on (and how did you get this answer)?
- What are all of the names used to find the final answer?
- What two encryption methods were used?
I would like all of these questions answered, as with enough research (and to get the correct answer), you'll be able to answer all three.
Let's begin!
Mom? Mom? Mom?!
Huh, that's weird; my mom isn't home. She left me a note.
Hey honey, I went to the store to grab some groceries; I've written the directions to your destination at the bottom of this note. Oh, and your lunch is on the top shelf in the fridge. Have a great day!
When we begin, he offers three; the answer to which, number four is the key.
In order to solve it, you'll need more than that; as the answer is hidden with four plus a rat.
It looks like the code is all scrambled up again; I wonder if I still have my old decryption algorithms. Hopefully it's contained to CBC mode.
Oh no! I'm running behind! I need to go get my gAs354j+9c/TFDEke8f53Q==!
To find me just use, your imagination; the answer you seek is from your destination.
You need a new key, currently unknown; my number times four, minus four fully grown.
Hopefully this wasn't too terrible, though I expect it to take a little time. As a bonus question; how did I do on this riddle? Any recommendations for future ones?
Note: Partial answers are okay if you're trying to solve one step at a time. However, only a complete answer will be accepted.
I'll use my trusty frying pan, as a drying pan!
Consulting with Dexter can be a sure thing; so long as you listen, and don't overthink.
A destination you seek, and well it does hide; when it comes to the math, watch it slither and slide.
Update: For the users who don't have ready access to encryption/decryption tools on their computers; there are free online resources available. One of which is Code Beautify.