A big credit to @frodoskywalker for my riddle. Although the user did not write this riddle, one of their answers on this site served an inspiration. I will not show the particular answer, however, in order to not spoil the riddle, but I fully encourage you to visit the user's profile and check out their content.
Riddle me this:
I am heavier than a boulder,
For which I will never flow;
But I am lighter than the feather,
Of a raven or a crow.
I can be found in heated weather,
Where not often, it would snow.
My arm may look like driest leather,
Spraying water with a blow.
What am I?
Comparing mine arm to a tree,
Forsooth, it will be not a branch.
May thou solve for what I could be?
Try! sabotage not thy chance!
A man was so hight after me;
His real name was seldom spoken.
May thou solve for whom he could be?
His poem might have thee heartbroken.
My previous riddle proved too easy, so I have added the "Shakespeare vibe" in the hint above so as to make the riddle harder, hence why I included the wordplay
and language