I was working my way through some puzzles , when I came across the following question:
An ancient Sicilian legend says that the barber in a remote town who can be reached only by traveling a dangerous mountain road
The barber shaves those people, and only those people, who do not shave themselves.
Can there be such a barber?
My solution:
If the barber is a Female - then YES such a barber exists
For the sake of simplicity , let us assume that the Barber is a Male and that all Males have a Fuzz / Facial Hair
Let us assume that such a Male Barber exists
If the barber shaves himself then he infringes the rule that he shaves only those who do not shave themselves
If the barber does not shave himself then the rules say that he must shave himself
This is a Paradox and hence no Male Barber Exists !
My question:
Am I correct ?