My updated answer, elaborating to include the whole puzzle:
Yard lumber is famous for the way it lies
Midori was first here I think:
The answer is Pinocchio. Yard lumber = wood, which Pinocchio was made from. His nose famously grew when he lied. On finally becoming a Real Boy he lived happily ever after...
Idyllic children suspected* of killing relative (though it may have been unintentional).
Credit to Rand al'Thor:
Hansel and Gretel certainly killed the witch, with their mother dying coincidentally at the same time. Either way, they end up with the witch's riches and live happily ever after...
Fugly steps with bulbous feet can't steal prince's heart.
Credit to Rand al'Thor:
The Ugly Stepsisters of Cinderella, whose bulbous feet would not fit into the glass slipper, so the prince was not fooled. No 'happily ever after' ending for them!
Abhorrent thing bribes a hottie, eventually becomes her homogeneous, molecular mixture: i.e. her "cup of tea."
Credit to Midori
Struggling a little with this one, though I agree with Midori again: The Beast could be fairly descrbed as 'abhorrent', bribes Belle to have her father freed, with her eventually falling for him, becoming her 'cup of tea' to live happily ever after. I haven't a clue about the homogeneous molecular mixture part of the clue though...
Redheaded formerly, girl is determined to "have more fun;" sleeps around in hairy ones' house.
Rand al'Thor was first:
The saying would have you believe 'blondes have more fun' - Goldilocks of course had blonde hair. "Someone's been sleeping in my bed!" cried the hairy one - baby bear - on discovering her still asleep in it's bed after her meal of porridge. She escapes scot-free after ransacking the poor bears' home, presumably to live happily ever after...
I believe the final answer for how most of them lived would be:
HAPPILY EVER AFTER. The ugly stepsisters are an exception