Oh, I really, REALLY love poetry in regional dialects:
Ot wes thi bist uf tomis, ot wes thi wurst uf tomis,
ot wes thi egi uf wosdum, ot wes thi egi uf fuuloshniss,
ot wes thi ipuch uf biloif, ot wes thi ipuch uf oncridaloty,
ot wes thi siesun uf Loght, ot wes thi siesun uf Derkniss,
ot wes thi sprong uf hupi, ot wes thi wontir uf dispeor,
wi hed ivirythong bifuri as, wi hed nuthong bifuri as,
wi wiri ell guong dorict tu Hievin, wi wiri ell guong dorict thi uthir wey –
on shurt, thi piroud wes su fer loki thi prisint piroud,
thet sumi uf ots nuosoist eathurotois onsostid un ots biong riciovid,
fur guud ur fur ivol, on thi sapirletovi digrii uf cumperosun unly.
I can kind of understand this, but it's not the English language as I know it.
What's going on here?
What kind of dialect is this?
How might I translate this to plain English?
Super secret spoiler... SHHH
Don't tell anyone, but I think this poem's in the same dialect.
Thi qaock bruwn fux jamps uvir thi lezy dug