The second phrase is a base64 text which says:
The two scientists names are anagrams:
Heart Laft = Flat Earth
Spy Acornic = conspiracy
The names of the two images are as follow:
steghide.jpg - it implies it has to do with steganography
loc.jpg - possible some sort of coordinates (location)
Based on the findings of @betcheg about the second phrase and the assumption that we are talking indeed about:
in the 2nd image. So using the second phrase:
I think the hidden 3rd message is more like a joke - if you look at the map location of the coordinates, they point just at the beginning of the Transantarctic mountains. The flat-earthers believe that the firmament could be reached if you cross Antarctica so on the map we can visually see that this firmament has started to crack, just like the message says.