Continuing in the Twisted TV Titles and TV Title Mondegreens vein, here are some Misspelled Movies.
Each title is a homophone of (i.e. sounds the same as1) a real movie title, but is spelled and/or punctuated differently. I'll give a description of what the movie could be; you give the misspelled title, along with the real movie title.
1 In my American English accent, anyway.
For example:
Clue: Thieving guy
Answer: Man of Steal (Man of Steel)
The Clues
- Older female relatives
- Adam and Eve's son adopts a country
- It's 3 a.m., cloudy, with no moon
- Deinonychus becomes the new Kris Kringle
- Get out of here, Jackman!
- The nanny and the chimney-sweep say "I do"
- Lazy MD
- Courageous male deer
- Spot a cookie
- They genuflect in glop
- What Frankenstein writes with
- Treasure-hunters look for a missing protractor