This is updated version for Another Twin Puzzle: Three Days Difference
Today is my first day joining my college's Puzzle Club. It is so much fun gathering in a group with similar interests! I meet a lot of new friends and of course asked their contact number to discuss and solve puzzles. We are asked to create a simple-yet-amusing puzzle for sharing on the next week's meeting.
I usually like to create a puzzle based on a real-life situation. The idea comes from everywhere, literally, everywhere. I just came up with a puzzle based on every club member's age and birthday, so I try to collect data by asking them all by SMS. And this.. is the cause why I'm being puzzled now.
I asked all of them this question: "When is your birthday?"
Chuck replied fast: "Lol, it's just 4 days ago fyi!" and 20 minutes later another member, Delilah, said: "My birthday is actually 8 days ago." Not only that, she also wrote another message: "But believe me, I and Chuck have sister-and-brother relationship... and also.... we are twin, ;) ."
So here is the puzzle for you: Please explain what happened! Is it possible that Chuck and Delilah are really twin?
(NB. by "twin", we assume that they are born by the same mother and only separated by a couple of minutes.)