There seems to be a trend lately for simple math problems. So here is my version. It's super simple:
$23 + 62 = 94$
$41 + 22 = 36$
$10 + 20 = 21$
$50 + 17 = 22$
$67 + 96 = 172$
$99 + 99 = x$
What is the value of $x$?
There seems to be a trend lately for simple math problems. So here is my version. It's super simple:
$23 + 62 = 94$
$41 + 22 = 36$
$10 + 20 = 21$
$50 + 17 = 22$
$67 + 96 = 172$
$99 + 99 = x$
What is the value of $x$?
The answer is
23+62=94. // (6+3)(2+2)
41+22=36 // (2+1)(4+2)
67+96=172 //(9+7)(6+6) =16(12)
// carrying one gives us 172
Easiest way to look at this is
Reverse the first number then add to the second
I know this is the same as the other answers, but it explains the
99+99 case much better than (9+9)(9+9) which should be 1818.
50 +17
better than the other answers.
The answer is:
The reason is:
The first number is the sum of the second number and of the third one. The second number is the sum of the first number and of the last number.
For instance, for the first one, we have 23 + 62 = (3 + 6) and (2+2) = 94. In the case of 67+96=172, you had 67+96=(7+9)(6+6)=(16)(12). In such case, you summed the second number of the left member with the first member of the right one, giving here (16)(12) = (1)(6+1)(2) = 172.
So for the last one, we have 99 + 99 = (9+9)(9+9)=(18)(18)=(1)(8+1)(8)=198.