Turn 1: sacrifice yellow large at homeworld, move blue large and yellow large (remaining one) to DS4 and DS3 respectively. also move a yellow small to DS3
if ray chooses to catastrophise either of DS4 and DS3, we will be able to change some of our pieces to reds next turn, and explode his homeworld on turn 3. if he does not do something, we are able to catastrophise with our large blue changing the large yellow to green or red, and using the remaining two changes to change some pieces on DS 1 and 2 to red before exploding the homeworld on turn 3. in fact, if he does not get rid of the large red, something will be catastrophised. so he builds it on his homeworld, by sacrificing a green on DS3 (small) to build, so it cannot be catastrophised in one turn.
turn 2: we would like to attack and capture a red, but Ray would just capture back. we will instead sacrifice a blue large to change the two yellows to greens, and catastrophise the system. we now have 3 reds in the bank. use the remaining change to swap a the small in DS1 to a red.
Ray's response. Ray currently can't do anything except sacrifice pieces for no goal, or catastophise something. the best such one would be sacrificing a red at his homeworld
Turn 3: swap the medium yellow at DS2 to a red.
Ray's response. he has none. he can't build to help himself, a catastrophe at this point is pointless for him.
turn 4 sacrifice a yellow medium to move both the reds at Ray's homeworld, regardless of his last move. catastrophise.
What'd I miss? how come it worked so quickly? oh wait i know. he could have sacrificed his medium and... nope, that doesn't save him. capturing the yellow allows the system to be catastrophed the next turn, and setup to ray losing next turn. Oh i see... I think it's because he could've prevented the use of the smalls by... wait nvm if he kept a small with him to prevent it from being built, it would have been a liability in the end anyway. actually, it might have slowed Lee down... let me see...
Turn 1: sacrifice yellow large at homeworld, move blue large and yellow large (remaining one) to DS4 and DS3 respectively. also move a yellow small to DS3
Ray responds by sacrificing a green 2 in DS3, building red in DS3, overpopulation, and building the red small at his homeworld
turn 2: sacrifice medium blue, catastrophe DS4, change small blue to red.
ray: can't do anything but remove a red, or build a green, or steal a yellow. stealing yellow means instant loss (red catastrophe).
turn 3: change something else to red: yellow at DS2.
ray: build or nothing. either way he's doomed
turn 4: move red pieces to Ray's homeworld, catastrophe, win.
still not five...
please point out what i did wrong?
Monopoly is because both players have a monopoly on at least one colour at at least one point in the game (Ray monopolises red).