You are an agent working for your country's intelligence services. Recently you received a tip off about a meeting that will be held by a Secret Society who poses a threat.
Sure enough, a few days later you intercepted the following letter and detained one of the members:
To the member this may concern,
Sorry but safety is our priority to start. Don’t worry though and now you’ve got this your other contact will meet you somewhere out there that’s suitable to begin. Remember that the meeting is cancelled and now all that’s left can not be mentioned, even one word. Orally, we all want this to end here and all agree this shouldn’t happen again once we’re third. What comes next naturally is to join another team from here and benefit from each. Thanks for your hand in this and we’ll see how things go, seek where we now are from. Suitably, there are fellow members near, all of them somewhere close, reach them by letter. Agents are everywhere out there and maybe they will look around for you third. Leaving with all that, otherwise good job, meet us soon, carefully take what’s needed to take.
A Secret Society
This doesn't make sense to you as it appears that the meeting is cancelled...
A few items were confiscated from the detainee:
First there was bus timetable, information booklet and map:
The bus company itself isn't mentioned which puzzles you...
Next there was a phonebook with some weird names... :
And finally there was a travel log and a diary:
Your team has helpfully uploaded all text into an easily accessible google doc for further analysis.
The items have left you stumped...
Can you find the meeting details... before it's too late?