Yesterday my friend sent me a really weird text. After that he wouldn't text me back or return my calls... Can you guys help me?
I've transcribed it to try to help...
[Blue Yellow][Blue][Orange Green Indigo][Green] [Green Green][Violet Violet Red][Violet Violet Blue][Violet Violet Indigo][Red][Violet][Blue] [Violet Violet Blue][Blue][Violet Violet][Green] [Blue Yellow][Blue][Violet Blue][Green Green Blue Yellow]!
I think that each section of brackets might be a word, but I'm not sure.
Hint 1:
My friend loves rainbows.
Hint 2:
He likes to create conversion puzzles. E.g. numbers to letters.
Hint 3:
My friend also likes math.
[BY][B][OGI][G] [GG][VVR][VVB][VVI][R][V][B] [VVB][B][VV][G] [BY][B][VB][GGBY]!