This puzzle was inspired by one recently posted by @Max.
What is the smallest positive integer that cannot be made from four 8s, where bracketing is allowed and the only permitted operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rooting (so the square root is allowed, because the symbol does not require the writing of a number to specify which root, and for example the eighth and 88th roots are also allowed, using up one and two 8s respectively: the rule is that you can use the radical symbol, $\surd \,$), exponentiation, taking the absolute value, and the floor and ceiling functions? All other operations, such as taking logarithms, are not allowed.
If the number exists, it is greater than 100. (See @Marius's answer to @Max's question.)
But it is not clear that it does exist, because there is no largest integer that can be made from four 8s. Although
$$\Huge 8^{ \raise.1ex{\Big(} 8^{(8^{\huge 8})} \raise.1ex{\Big)} }$$
is a very large number, it can be exceeded by inserting a sufficiently large number of $\surd$ symbols into the expression
$$\left\lceil \frac{\huge 8}{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\large 8 \raise1.8ex\,}}} ~ \raise.2ex- ~ \Large\frac{8}{8}} \right\rceil ~ \raise-4ex.$$
If the required number does not exist, prove its non-existence, for example by showing how to construct a four-8s expression for any given positive integer.