Son asked such a task. Continue the number sequence
5, 7, 8, 12, 11....
The son is in the second grade. They studied the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication
Seems like a pretty bad question to ask anyone you are trying to teach mathematics, but a best guess would be:
$(5 + 3\times 0 = 5), $
$(7 + 5\times 0 = 7), $
$(5 + 3\times 1 = 8), $
$(7 + 5\times 1 = 12), $
$(5 + 3\times 2 = 11), $
$(7 + 5\times 2 = 17), $
If we index the sequence, say $a(n)$, starting at $a(0) = 5$ we can say
Let: $m = n\mod 2$
($m$ is $1$ if $n$ is odd, and $0$ if $n$ is even)
$a(n) = m\times 7 + (1-m)\times 5 + (m\times 5 + (1-m)\times 3) \times \lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor$
I wonder if they were taught about "flooring" or modulo arithmetic too?
Based on the original sequence
5, 7, 8, 12, 11, ..
it seems like the odd-numbered values increase by three, and the even-numbered values increase by five. So I would extrapolate that the series would continue like this:
5, 7, 8, 12, 11, 17, 14, 22, 17, 27, 20 ..