I am precious to you,
but kill me you do.I am older than you,
but still ever new.I cannot be sold,
for money or gold.I can EVEN fly.
Yet wings have not I.This is no game,
what is my name?
Give the name and a brief reasoning.
I am precious to you,
but kill me you do.I am older than you,
but still ever new.I cannot be sold,
for money or gold.I can EVEN fly.
Yet wings have not I.This is no game,
what is my name?
Give the name and a brief reasoning.
You are:
I am precious to you,
Time is precious
but kill me you do.
One kills time.
I am older than you,
Time has always been
but still ever new.
What has not been seen is fresh
I cannot be sold, for money or gold.
Money does not buy time
I can EVEN fly. Yet wings have not I.
"Time flies". AND it progresses in an "EVEN"/steady/constant manner - i.e. "at an even pace".
This is no game, what is my name?
Poetic style :)
Something different!
Bacteria in/on your body
I am precious to you, but kill me you do.
We wouldn't be able to survive long without it however our body is constantly killing off bacteria
I am older than you, but still ever new.
It's been around longer than humans but what is with us is constantly rejuvenating.
I cannot be sold, for money or gold.
Not so typical to sell your bacteria (unlike our time how many people get paid per the hour...)
I can EVEN fly. Yet wings have not I.
We sneeze, its airborne...
You are... The Precious! (Lord of the Rings, imdb)
I am precious to you, but kill me you do.
"It is precious to me, though I buy it with a great pain."
I am older than you, but still ever new.
An ancient artifact, harmed only by the fires that forged it.
I cannot be sold, for money or gold.
No ring bearer would ever part with the Precious for something so paltry as money.
I can EVEN fly. Yet wings have not I.
"The Ring of Power has a will of its own. It betrayed Isildur, to his death." Getting even and 'flying' from its bearer.
This is no game, what is my name?
I am precious to you, but kill me you do.
Time is money
I am older than you, but still ever new.
There is always a quantity of time bigger than your age
I cannot be sold, for money or gold.
You cannot buy time
I can EVEN fly. Yet wings have not I.
Sometimes you say "time flies"
You are...
I am precious to you, but kill me you do.
We need air to survive, but constantly consume it in our metabolisms. We also spoil it by polluting.
I am older than you, but still ever new.
Air has been around for ages, but is constantly "renewed" by photosynthesis which converts carbon dioxide in it to oxygen which can be breathed again.
I cannot be sold, for money or gold.
While bottled air is a thing in certain dystopic scenarios, breathing air is commonly accepted as a universal right that shouldn't need to be bought.
I can EVEN fly. Yet wings have not I.
Air flies, in its way, despite having no wings.
Time is precious, and yet sometimes we "kill" it, as in waste it.
He's "older" than anyone, since it existed before anyone, and yet there's always more time, so "when" we're living is, technically, new time.
Can't be sold, well, I dont know what more I can say about this :)
Time flies, usually when you're having fun, despite not having wings
edit: Ninja'd :(
The environment
I am precious to you, but kill me you do.
Everybody needs the environment but are destroying it.
I am older than you, but still ever new.
The environment was there long before anybody, but new plants, animals are being born every day.
I cannot be sold, for money or gold.
You cannot buy the environment.
I can EVEN fly. Yet wings have not I.
The environment can "fly" from place-to-place.