While Artur is willing to settle for a billion, I'd like a much bigger return on my two matchstick investment.
Moving only two matchsticks, what is the largest number that can be created from the following pattern?
While Artur is willing to settle for a billion, I'd like a much bigger return on my two matchstick investment.
Moving only two matchsticks, what is the largest number that can be created from the following pattern?
Here's one way to make something quite big:
Move the top two matches of the 6 to turn it into a 9 lower down: $9^{111100}$.
2.202 × 10^106016
. (Calculated with Wolfram Alpha)
Jul 17, 2017 at 20:31
using Tetration, we can get much larger than the simple exponentiation..
Move the top and bottom matchstick from the zero in the ten's place, and form a subscript "11" after the resulting "61111110" to form:
_ _
|_ | | | | | | | |
|_| | | | | | | |_|
| |
Or: (provided you can ignore the incorrect relative font size between the intended superscript vs regular size)
I'm not sure it would be reasonable to even try to determine how long this would be in digits, as it is equivalent to:
1111...11 (61,111,110 11's)
*edit: thanks to @Phlarx for catching the 7->11 I probably should have thought of that.. just realized I could swap the position of the sub / superscript to get many more exponentiation iterations vs. larger starting number (which quickly pays off)
You could move the lower right stick in the six and the lower left stick in the first zero to make
_ _ _
|_ | | | | |_| | |
| |_ | | | | _| |_|
or 1E111190, 1 followed by 111,190 Zeroes.
Using knuth's arrow notation
${\displaystyle 6\uparrow \uparrow 100}$
which represents ${{{6}^6}^{...}}^6$ (recursively raised to the power 100 times) which is a number so huge that i can not express in in normal notation but of course almost all natural numbers are very very large. In fact, almost every natural number is larger than mine.
You could
move the top and bottom of the first 0, down and left of the whole thing, to make "$11^{61111110}$".
8.628 × 10^63640662
. (Calculated with Wolfram Alpha)
Jul 17, 2017 at 20:35
With some imagination,
6111101! -> remove 2 matches from last 0 to make 11 out of it, then put them in a cross below the last 1 and pretend it is an exclamation mark.
EDIT: @maxathousand gave me an idea that matches need not lie horizontally.
8111101! -> Similar to the idea above, remove 2 matches from the last 0, put one of them to make 8 out of 6 and put the other vertically below the last 1. Looking from the top, exclamation mark should be clearly visible.
Why stop at two up-arrows, when you can have 111
_ _ _
|_ |\ | | | | | | | |
|_| | | |_| |_|
This would be
A hyperoperation of rank 113, which is very large.
Think big.
,\′ _ _ |_ | | | | | | | | |_| | | | | | | |_|
The , and ' are two halves of a broken match (they should connect with the diagonal one, pardon my sloppy ASCII art). The result is $\aleph_{61111110}$, quite a large transfinite number.
current provided number is 7-digit number
remove top and bottom horizontal matchsticks from 6th '0' digit and placing them in front of the whole number makes it a 9-digit number
or even bigger putting that '1' after '6'
This is not valid answer since infinity is not a number, but still just for fun, take two sticks from any "1", make a cross, place the cross between two zeros to make infinity sign "$\infty$", that makes $6111\infty$.
EDIT: A valid and "thinking out of the box" answer no one has posted:
Remove the two left side vertical sticks of the second zero from right, place one stick horizontally in it in the middle making it reverse "E", place second stick horizontally in the middle of first zero from right making it "8", $\underline{\text{look at this number from the opposite side of the table}}$, it is "8E11119"
Try this:
_ _ |_ |\ |\ | | | | | | |_| | | | | | | |_|
Which is (with a little imagination):
$6\uparrow\uparrow11110$ (see up-arrow notation)
Which is equal to:
$$\left.6^{6^{6^{\cdots^{6}}}}\right\}\text{11110 copies of 6}$$
...which is big.
9111190 ?
So you move a matchstick from the first and 5th digit.
Move the top left and middle sticks to the bottom left and into the left zero to get:
_ _
| | | | | |_| | |
|_|_| | | | |_| |_|
where the W refers to ω, the smallest transfinite ordinal, so the end result is
Clearly larger than any finite numbers here.
If you want to make it even larger,
Where ω1 is the first uncountable ordinal and the end result is
With a little bit of imagination, we can beat all of these answers!
Unfortunately, I can't fit my dodgy drawing on your monitor. Get one a few billion lightyears across and we'll talk.
611 | 00 ( the | is formed by 4 match sticks, two originally existing + two moved) which is quuite big, I guess !! By this I mean 611 is the numerator divided by (using |) 00 as the denominator !!
Some imagination is being used, but: 6111100 can be interpreted as 6iiii00. Then, changing the two 0's into 9's, we get 6 * i^4 * 99, which is undefined so it could be anything! And for these purposes, I interpret 6 * i^4 * 99 as infinity.