I want to give you (yes,you!) a message. However, in order to avoid our non-puzzling brothers from eavesdropping, I've decided to encrypt it inside this Wordsquares Riddle.
It's correct, it's affirmative.
And it's indefinite in time, very long.
But in Korea, it's a great university.Cheating and deceptive.
Is it me? Sadly, it's wrong.
Just drop it on the table and let it be.It's not one, it's not three.
You might wonder why.
But "Look here!" said my Spanish pals.It comes to you, even when you're not ready.
An O.S., or an animal that don't fly.
Sound is used by docs, in hospitals.Crack one's name easily.
Born in Thailand, an English footballing guy.
A hearing tool, Hitler calls.
Did you get a lot of words? Sorry, but...
... my message is just one sentence long. And it's dangerous if anyone else gets the message.