One day, while hiking in the Jungles, we discovered a place hidden inside the woods. It seemed like it was sitting there quietly for some years now. We approached the gate. A friend of mine knocked on the door. There came a voice -
"You need a password to enter. Watch your step!"
That's it. Nothing else. Every time we knocked the door, the same voice said the same thing again and again. Finally, we decided to crack this code.
I will keep the mystery for you to solve. We are already in. Do join us by cracking the pass code. Oh, here's the door.
And, here's what the transcribed note says -
A B C D E F (1,2-2,1) (4,1-4,2) (5,1-5,2) (5,1-5,2) (5,1-1,1) (5,1-1,1) (1,2–2,2) (4,2-5,3) (5,2-5,3) (5,2-5,3) (5,2-1,2) (5,2-1,2) (5,3-1,3) (5,2-1,2) (5,2-1,2) (5,3-1,3) (5,1-5,2) (1,3-1,2) (1,2-1,1) (1,2-1,1) (5,1-5,2) (5,2-5,3) (1,2-5,1) (1,1-5,1) (1,1-5,1) (5,2-5,3) (5,2-1,3) (5,1-4,1) (1,1-1,2)
You won't need any confirmation for the pass code. But, in case if you do -
Xwrisikcjh! $\leftarrow$ Apply the pass code as key!
(Note-Story is just for flavor!)