We hide together in our cave
Those who seek us must be brave
Most who find us choose to sleep
And those that don't, their widows weep
We die but not by hangman's noose
and club or blade won't free us loose
Spoiler in edit mode:
We hide together in our cave
Those who seek us must be brave
Most who find us choose to sleep
And those that don't, their widows weep
We die but not by hangman's noose
and club or blade won't free us loose
Spoiler in edit mode:
Are you looking for:
Intestinal Cancer
We hide together in our cave
Those who seek us must be brave
The tumors hide in the 'cave' the intestinal tracks, those that seek them to remove them are doctors/surgeons who need to be smart/brave.
Most who find us choose to sleep
And those that don't, their widows weep
If you find out about the cancer, you go under anesthesia (sleep) to have it surgically removed. If you don't find it you can die, which would upset a spouse (who would become a widow).
We die but not by hangman's noose
and club or blade won't free us loose
You can remove/kill off the tumors, maybe by surgical removal or by radiation treatment - so not a noose, not a club, and not a blade (at least not a blade alone/directly).
Are you
We hide together in our cave
Those who seek us must be brave
Bacteria hang out around the inside of the body. You must be brave to poke around in there o_o
Most who find us choose to sleep
And those that don't, their widows weep
If you get sick, sleep is good. Not sleeping can be deadly.
We die but not by hangman's noose
and club or blade won't free us loose
They die all the time. Not sure about the second line.