Undeviginti - An Enigmatic Puzzle in the theme of the ancient times
Welcome, my puzzlers. Let the puzzling begin.
*Just yesterday, I was emailing my friend Bob. Somewhere in the process of him sending an email, I received something weird. Th. t.xt w..
Beep... - Beep... - Beep - Beep
I woke up in the hospital. I couldn't remember anything. There was no-one else I could find in the hospital; in the city; in the world. They all disappeared. All gone. An hour later, a phrase echoed through my mind. It goes: 'Bob, he's alive. He has an apparatus that needs a code. The code is "IUVA NOS". I will give you the gift of one teleportation. You have one hour to make up your mind to where you will go. You have until midnight. If you succeed, the earth has passed the test and I will revive all. Else...' I look at a piece of paper. It reads: 'Go hang out with Bob. itlmxubg VpqIcrxn.' So Bob is at Bob's house, then? I ran to his house (saving my teleportation), only to find no-one there.
Where is Bob? (In which country?)
Hint #1:
Start with reading on the itlmxubg VpqIcrxn (Hint contains enigmatic clues)
Required #1:
I see that in the 'translation' of a code, the 'translator' didn't like some characters. or � should be the character ' as in he's/isn't.
The location ? is intended, however, the ? in the date should be should be Γ or γ. Could be represented as |". There are no enigmatic clues given away in this Required. It makes up for an unfixable error.