Number Slope™1 is an original2 grid deduction puzzle similar to Sudoku. It is solved on an n-by-n grid, tiled with n n-ominoes. The rules are:
- Each number from 1 to n must occur once and only once in each row, column, and n-omino.
- Any row or column of adjacent cells within each n-omino must have numbers which are either increasing or decreasing along the row or column (these are called slopes).
That second rule may be a bit confusing, so here is a diagram showing the slopes in an 11-omino and a valid filling:
Here's another diagram, this time giving an example of the solving process for a 3x3 puzzle. The process is quite similar to solving a Sudoku, but note that in step 3 we can deduce how to fill the vertical tromino, since the numbers have to form a slope.
Got that? Good. Now go solve this puzzle. Good luck!
1Or, to give it a more credible (read: Japanese) name, Sukobai, as Google Translate tells me.
2At least, I believe it is. Tell me in the comments if it isn't.