Seems to be:
Created or evolved whatever you please
It is a creature of some sort. Definitely a physical thing. Refers to the religious arguments about "physical" existence.
walk in my shoes, which I can't seize
Cow have no say about where they go.
A computer originated world,
Computer Originated World (dear God.)
I won't fathom
my death by some considered gruesome
The death of a cow even in a humane abbatoir can be quite brutal.
I know how to live do not give me tips
"Leave me alone, don't tip me over!" (a past-time of certain people includes pushing cows over).
but don't mourn me now, for I am in bits
Cows are sold in small pieces.
suffocate me quick don't tarnish my produce
You must kill the cow quickly or the adrenaline can affect the meat. May also be some kind of reference to meat.
remember our sacrifice, our past abuse.
Cows have been sacrificed since time immemorial.
My name is changed once deceased
Cow becomes beef once killed.
yet it holds the same meaning
It is the exact same thing.
well done! I am rare once the fires have ceased
Beef can be "well done". But it "rare" if you take off the heat.
I humble your buds once you begin feeding