Clue 1
Solved by M Oehm.
Clue 2
Solved by Levieux.
Clue 3
As found by Levieux, the decrypted version is
Place vital fluid is during active influx
which is a cryptic clue for
VEIN (the place where blood [vital fluid] is, and found in "active influx").
Clue 4
Decrypt "Nabjmwaq?" using the key found in Clue 3 to get
Thanks to Will, the solution to this is
DAM - a dam is a de-flow-er because it prevents flow.
Clue 5
Decrypt "Adshn lond rmg bcsmcnb hnf" using the key found in Clue 4 to get
Basin mona rch descend ing or Basin monarch descending.
The solution to this is
SINKING - basin+monarch becomes sink+king, and descending = sinking.
Clue 6
Decrypt "Lmtdn gs jmlb oqg ndmur omttgqy" using the key found in Clue 5 to get
Notic ea mong pre cious pottery or Notice among precious pottery.
The solution for this is
SPOT (synonym of notice, found in "precious pottery").
Clue 7
Decrypt "Jkn rdanjokuj rny, qrsn rejck jrdaqa okjt, weh hpas wsyb nkirdaqas" using the key found in Clue 6 to get:
Nor therncoun try, star tingo nthese cond, wil lbea wayf romthesea or Northern country, starting on the second, will be away from the sea.
The solution is
INLAND (Finland is a northern country; start from the second letter to get a word meaning "away from the sea").
Clue 8
Decrypt "Ediaj dss lr diturd fsrfcet" using the key found in Clue 7 to get
Headl ess cr eature isright or Headless creature is right.
The solution is
EAST (creature = beast, remove the first letter to get east, which is to the right on a map).
Clue 9
Decrypt "E nbpc mpkbp mc n pmkgqgld bppmp" using the key found in Clue 8 to get
A perf ormer of p romising error or A performer of promising error.
The solution for this is
SINGER (a performer, and found in "promising error").
Clue 10
Decrypt "S rpsa jekt ck spguluq acii epcqb, pesp pskaeg" using the key found in Clue 9 to get
A frag ment in arduous gibb erish, rear ranged or A fragment in arduous gibberish, rearranged.
The solution is
SHARD (a fragment, and found in the rearranged "gibberish arduous).
Decrypting "Jfb dfqq em pt. Rml’tw sq tdtfkd." with the key found in Clue 10 gives:
Lif eiss ho rt. Don’tw as tetime. or Life is short. Don't waste time.
Ironic, given how much time I've just wasted solving this puzzle! :-P