While preparing the next puzzle for publishing, I decided to encrypt the file to protect it, but something went wrong or maybe I entered the wrong command because the puzzle was encrypted, yes, but not the way I was expecting it to be! Instead of becoming an unaccessible file, it became another puzzle entirely!
However this gave me an idea, would you be able to solve it and understand what puzzle it used to be? What do the cubes mean?
Here's the "encrypted" puzzle, click to zoom.
- The parts relevant to the puzzle are the colors and the letters only.
- The lines in the cube faces are there to identify the colors (for colorblind users). I'll provide a table with the colors and color names below, along with the patterns.
- The numbers on each cube are there for you to make it easier to reference a puzzle, so you can say "the cube #33" instead of "the cube in the center but slightly to the right".
- The "hidden" faces of the cubes are not part of the puzzle.
Colors used: