The examples below are considered Unambiguously Questionable Numbers:
8 to 7 is 8
23 to 22 is 5
628 to 626 is 2
3969 to 3943 is 3
7712 to 7701 is 9
19824 to 19823 is 5
19897 to 19870 is 18
32236 to 32235 is 1713
32378 to 32377 is 31
40808 to 40806 is 5106
42939 to 42891 is 18
Explain what is the "to" operator and find the Unambiguously Questionable Number for the equation below (find X):
X to 44493 is X
Answer to @humn's question in the comment:
There are numerical values of a and b such that:
a > 0 and b > 0 and a != b and the value of a to b does not exist.
there are quite a lot of them. For example all possible values of a and b from 1 to 100 are already presented by the first two equations.