Do you think it is fair to say these two questions are a bit ridiculous? What exactly are they even testing for?
From, questions 21 and 23.
Do you think it is fair to say these two questions are a bit ridiculous? What exactly are they even testing for?
From, questions 21 and 23.
Seems to make sense for the top one:
just joined to answer :)
For the second one...
Due to a large proportion of empty circles I think only non-empty are important. And a simple correlation between them seems to be a path or a labyrinth:
For the first one:
I would agree with humn.
However if this were the intent I wouldn't expect the square to be grouped (by proximity) with one of the pieces. It seems like a bad question to me.
For the second one:
I would choose the Four-pointed star.
Every other row and column has exactly one distinct glyph, so I wouldn't choose the Empty Circle. The Plus and Angle (matching the glyph already used) could be avoided because there is no clear reason to re-use one glyph and instead of the other. The X and Vertical Angle could be avoided because they're rotations of the other glyphs and likewise there is no clear reason to prefer one over the other.
I've know I've exploited testing strategy to reach an answer which feels like cheating; but given that the question essentially contains two glyphs with no immediate relationship it could be intended to test some form of Apophenia. One can probably make up a handful or reasons for either of the rotations... but in that case one is creating a pattern that isn't really present.
then x
(rotating 45 degrees) I'd probably choose +
(but even then I'm choosing to read into columns-left-to-right, because if I choose to read rows-top-to-bottom the rotation would go the other way). With these symbols I don't see an order or a relationship, just two arbitrary symbols.
For the second one...
Evidenced by the apparently correct answer for the first question, the grid is probably just misleading. Although, usually when we see this type of 3x3 square, that means that everything in one row has something in common, and everything in a column has something in common. Since the filled in circles are on different rows and columns, the answer should be unlike the others. I'd choose the star. However, I could also argue that the answer is the top right one. The rule would be that the arrows form a path to the plus sign.
Arguably, the top left circle could be a "root", and moving down or right rotates one of the lines. Overall, I really don't think this is a very legit question.
For second one
I think option are aligning with the question as you can see below and we can neglect one of the figure from the last one for being a closed shape.So it should be Cross one
. .
And for first one
humn answer makes sense to me.
For the second one,
the star makes sense to me. Reason being that if you combine the shape of the upper middle element with the "directions" given by the cross, putting one of the triangular pieces appropriately rotated at each direction of the cross you end up with the star.
For the second one I think
is the answer, because
in the first row number of line segments is 2, in the second row it's 4, in the 3rd row it should be 8, and only star satisfies this.
Star to me. The angle increases from 45 to 90 to 135 and from 1 angle to 2 angles to 4 angles.