
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust:

Ashes I'll sweep if sweep I must.

I've gored a gourd and found some mice

In hopes that my wishes will end in rice.

The clock tick tocks, the time is near

When all my dreams shall disappear.

Who am I? There is one answer true;

Answer fits clue as a foot in a shoe.

(I know this is probably too easy, but the first two lines came to me and I couldn't resist)


1 Answer 1


Is it


Ashes to ashes and dust to dust:

Ashes I'll sweep if sweep I must.

Cinderella originally lived by the fireplace and was treated like a servant, sweeping ashes for the ugly sisters (hence the "cinder" in her name).

I've gored a gourd and found some mice

The pumpkin coach and mice turned into horses to pull it.

In hopes that my wishes will end in rice.

Rice is traditionally thrown at weddings, and Cinderella was hoping to get married. (Thanks to the OP for clarifying this clue.)

The clock tick tocks, the time is near

When all my dreams shall disappear.

She can only stay at the ball until midnight, when all her magical wonders disappear.

Who am I? There is one answer true;

Answer fits clue as a foot in a shoe.

The prince discovers her because her foot fits perfectly the shoe she left behind.

Feedback section

This was an easy riddle, as you thought (as evidenced by the answer posted less than 2 minutes after the riddle), but not too easy. It was the last line that put me on to the solution; the first two lines made me think of a brush, and I didn't immediately connect the dots between the other lines, but the "foot in a shoe" bit was obviously significant and made the solution pop into my head.

  • $\begingroup$ yes! The rice part may have been a bit of a stretch, but the idea was that rice is traditionally thrown at weddings. She went to the ball in hopes of marrying the prince, hence, 'ending in rice' Perhaps I should change it to 'ends with rice' instead. $\endgroup$
    – MMAdams
    Commented Oct 10, 2016 at 19:36
  • $\begingroup$ I agree that it was very easy — I got it immediately as I read it, even before I saw the last line.  Do we have a definition for “too easy”? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 14, 2016 at 3:19

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