But let's see if we can go a bit further. Our number needs to be a multiple of 32Γ81Γ7. To be even it must end with 2,6,8; to be a multiple of 4, with 12,32,72,92, 16,36,76,96, 28,68; to be a multiple of 8, with 312,712,912, 632,832, 672,872, 192,392,792, 216,816, 136,736,936, 176,376,976, 296,896, 128,328,728,928, 168,368,768,968; to be a multiple of 16, with 7312,9312, 3712,9712, 6912,8912, 1632,7632,9632, 6832, 8672, 1872,3872,9872, 6192,8192, 1392,7392, 1792,3792, 3216,7216,9216, 2816, 7136,9136, 2736,8736, 1936,7936, 2176,8176, 1376,9376, 2976,8976, 1296,3296,7296, 2896, 6128, 1328,7328,9328, 1728,3728,9728, 6928, 3168,7168,9168, 2368, 2768, 1968,3968,7968; to be a multiple of 32, with 97312,69312,89312, 63712,83712,39712, 86912,38912,78912, 81632,17632,97632,89632, 16832,76832,96832, 31872,91872,63872,19872,39872, 36192,76192,68192, 71392,67392,87392, 61792,81792,13792, 73216,93216,37216,97216,89216, 27136,87136,79136, 12736,92736,28736, 71936,27936,87936, 82176,38176,98176, 21376,81376,29376,89376, 82976,18976,38976, 31296,71296,83296,87296, 12896,32896,72896, 36128,76128,96128, 71328,91328,67328,19328,79328, 61728,13728,93728,69728, 16928,36928,76928, 23168,27168,39168,79168, 12768,32768,92768, 31968,71968,23968,27968. (At each stage we prepend odd or even digits still available, depending on whether we already have a multiple of the relevant power of 2 or not.) That's "only" 87 numbers, and for each there are just two possibilities (for which way around the other two digits go) to check for divisibility by 81 and by 7. I am doing this strictly computerlessly, and trying 174 numbers is beyond my boredom threshold right now, but it's clearly perfectly doable.