I am a thing.
I am helpful to everybody.
Identify me from the following pictures.
I am not available in these pictures. But my name can be formed using the words drawn from the above pictures.
I am a thing.
I am helpful to everybody.
Identify me from the following pictures.
I am not available in these pictures. But my name can be formed using the words drawn from the above pictures.
I am a thing.
I am helpful to everybody.
I am a metal or rock
First picture
Maths Symbol 'For all'
Second picture
Vitamin C. Combining with first picture - All at Sea
Third picture
Lock and Key
Fourth picture
Relation between each of them
All are Metal bands / Rock bands
My Answer:
A Moderator.
First Image:
As interpreted by many people, it represents an upside down A meaning "for all" or "given any"
Second Image:
It shows fruits and vegetables correlating to Vitamin C. C -> See (homophones)
Third Image:
It looks like a password or security system on a phone.
Fourth Image:
Looks like a magnetic field or repelling magnets.
The phrase that I get is *Given any (For All) ___ See (C) security field (field security). The blank could hold the word moderator because field security settings let you restrict users' access to view and edit specific fields.
This was my first attempt
Does it represent(and I know that I can be majorly wrong)
First picture(symbol of A upside down)
symbolic meaning 'For all'
Second picture(bunch of fruits and vegetables)
Source of iron
Third picture(Lock)
Can be made up of iron
Forth picture(magnets attraction)
Adore//Repel (credits : @ramb00 )
This is my next answer
Getting all the clues from above explanation and with the help of clues from @ramb00
All the things are made of iron/ all are bands... So is the answer "Iron Maiden"