Now that Part 4 was solved in six minutes' time....
Our mysterious host congratulates you on your quick solution, much berating the OP for taking 24 hours to solve it.
But, like everything, this puzzle shall go on! A new message appears on your screen:
-.-. ..- / -.-. / -.. .- -.- .-.-.- / --- .-.-.- .-.-.- -... / ..- --. .--. -.-- -.. .-.-.- .--. / -.-. -.-- / -.-. --- / -..- ..-. / --- -.-- .- -... . -.-. -... .. / .-. -... / -.-- -.. .-.-.- / --- -.. .-. --. -. . .-.-.- .--. --- / .-. ..-
Our host eagerly awaits your reply.
This puzzle was originally written by the person running the No Really It Is Me site. In the state where I received the original puzzle, it was unsolvable without an extreme guess or recognizing the solution quickly. I have received permission from the original poster of this puzzle to mirror it here.
character transposed correctly. $\endgroup$