Your pet cricket has disappeared, due to its undying loyalty and steadfastness you assume foul play must be afoot! After looking around for any signs of confrontation, you find none, but thankfully your years of training it in typing appear to have paid off.
Going to your computer there is a minimized text document that says:
Good sir. Me exit abruptly, be back. Assuming accurate education, the table will hold put there. Worry not, prompt arrival likely. Like my family I am wont to evacuating uniquely. So bye.
P.S. I am sure we will be reacquainted with ease.
As you read it you are most perplexed by your cricket's lack of prosaicness, dearth of wit and gross misuse of the word uniquely. As such you look in greater detail and find that something has befallen your pet cricket.
What happened to your cricket?
Hint 1:
I feel like someone else would be more incentivized to give hints than me.
Hint 2:
Your cricket had always made fun of your puzzle solving skills.