You'll often find me in a book
You can catch me if you can hook
And smoke me red.
If you follow me, you will be a lost boy.
I like to tinker with your attention, ahoy
I never live on land.
What am I?
A (red) herring
You'll often find me in a book
You can find misleading red herrings in mystery books, they may also be in a fish encyclopedia!
You can catch me if you can hook
Can be fished with a hook and line
And smoke me red.
Can be cooked by smoking, making the flesh red
If you follow me, you will be a lost boy.
A red herring will lead one away from the answer
I like to tinker with your attention, ahoy
Carrying on from above
I never live on land.
Herrings live in the water
You are
Peter Pan
You'll often find me in a book
Peter Pan was a book
You can catch me if you can hook
Captain hook tries to catch Peter
And smoke me red.
Smoking the pipe with the "red man"
If you follow me, you will be a lost boy.
The Lost Boys follow Peter
I like to tinker with your attention, ahoy
An allusion to Tinkerbell, and Peter's taunting nature
I never live on land.
Neverland is Peter's home land.