If I give you one of each letter in the alphabet what's the largest you can spell (in word form)?
Bonus: What's the smallest?
Bonus 2: What if you can use the words "minus", "plus" and "times"?
If I give you one of each letter in the alphabet what's the largest you can spell (in word form)?
Bonus: What's the smallest?
Bonus 2: What if you can use the words "minus", "plus" and "times"?
For a number immensely bigger than $\omega$, consider the uncountably infinite number hidden below. (Note, by the way, that $\omega$ is countably infinite, and rather than being the biggest something, it is in fact “the smallest infinite ordinal ... as it is the least upper bound of the natural numbers” [1]). So omega is a good candidate for the first bonus, the smallest number one can spell if given one of each letter in the alphabet.
The transfinite number aleph sixtyfour appears to be the biggest aleph ($\aleph$) number one can spell if given one of each letter in the alphabet.
Note that $\aleph_{64} > \aleph_{63} > ... \aleph_1 = 2^{\aleph_0} > \aleph_0 = \omega$.
(For a big number that doesn't quite work because it has two a's and e's, see wikipedia's Aleph-ω article; aleph omega is the least upper bound of ${\aleph_n : n\in\{0,1,2,\dots}\}$. But if we use five Roman and one Greek letter, or one Hebrew and one Greek letter, aleph $\omega$ or $\aleph_{\omega}$ work ok.)
US Gov. Debt
17,907,911,809,200 at last glance. :P
How about:
Megiston aka. Megistron
A decimal representation of this would require by far more digits than there are estimated atoms in the universe.
You did not specify which alphabet we should be using, so when using greek, the smallest would be
There's also:
Oktria, which is between 3↑↑↑↑↑↑↑4 and 3↑↑↑↑↑↑↑5 in Knuth's up arrow notation.
For the first bonus question:
Although there are lower numbers, none are smaller than zero.
Just as a fun answer, for a loop hole:
This refers to Graham's number (Wikipedia), and is the largest number used in a serious mathematical proof. It is so large it is best expressed as a recurrence relation of Knuth's up-arrow notation as $G = g_{64}$ where $g_1 = 3\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow3$ and $g_n = 3\uparrow^{g_n-1}3$ (equations lifted shamelessly from Wikipedia). The phrase "many orders of magnitude" is negligible in the face of this number.
Taking the question literately, the best I can do is
five thousand
Venturing outside the box, I can get to
ULONG_MAX which (in the standard C library) comes out to (2^64)-1
, or 18446744073709551615
, which are still indeed quite big :P so it's valid on pretty much any common implementation.
Nov 10, 2014 at 19:48
For bonus 1, if you use the convention that negative numbers are "minus x", then I think
minus forty
wins. Checking everything down to minus one hundred is straightforward, and then anything less than minus one hundred must include either "hundred", "thousand", or one of the "-llion" words for higher powers of $10^3$ (or $10^6$, depending on convention, but it doesn't matter). And all of these contain an "n".
From Wikipedia, omega is
the smallest ordinal [number] greater than every natural number.
Note that omega is an transfinite number.
First question
It depends on the language :P. For example, "centomila" is Italian form of "a hundred thousand") :D
In hexadecimal
FEDCBA0 (read zero as 'Oh')
Which would be 267242400
In dozenal ( http://www.dozenalsociety.org.uk/roses/devlieger.html )
forsen triliad
Which is 4.279728215×10¹⁴
Doh! Just noticed that i used 'r' twice. So the answer is
twosen triliad
And the value is 1/2 of the prev one.
And i have just noticed the Bonus 2 for using a plus, so here it is:
8+ (Eight plus) This is regex, no less than one eight.