"Fine day" says I
"Need a sardine?"
"Why - no thank you"
- replied Cecil the 3-Eyed Spleen
"How then will you get in
Through that nasty great door?" I ask.
He said "Slowly - slowly - lather myself with Cod Oil
Which, incidentally, lives in this here flask".
"Come now" says I
Not one for games.
"That'll never work
Look at those flames!"
"Ah - Yes" says he
As he takes a slurp
"Story of my life"
And he proceeds to botty-burp.
Here we are stuck.
forever and ever..."
Never to enter. the hallowed halls of -
"Trevor!" cries Cecil-Spleen " - thank Goodness you're here"
"Ah" replies the walrus "there's something you're missing".
"It's not a thing you need with which to enter this door
rather a word or two like 'edible seeds'
or 3 like 'Samuel Eff' WASP! Ahh! get it off me
and write this down you'll see"
1. Please do NOT edit the puzzle - however bad the punctuation might be
2. Key to the answer is in the second to last line and the title
3. In the 2nd last line, instead of WASP! it should read BEE!