I am fast
I "revive" many things
People will need me
Although I am dangerous to people.
What am I?
Is it
I am fast
as lightning
I "revive" many things
People will need me
He's going into cardiac arrest!
Although I am dangerous to people.
You are
An answer :P
I am fast
As the riddle is easy, the answer is supposed to come quickly.
I "revive" many things
An answer could "revive" an old problem, if not many of them.
People will need me
Obviously you need an answer when you ask the question
Although I am dangerous to people.
Seeing the answer will either ruin your own one, or just make you feel bad that you haven't guessed it yet.
Are you:
I am very fast
The oxygen in air moves very quickly during high winds/hurricanes.
I revive many things
Not sure about this one.
People will need me
Without oxygen, we would die.
But I am dangerous to people
Pure oxygen can be toxic.
Could it be
drugs? They can be quick, they can revive things, people do need them, but too much can cause an overdose and kill you.