Inspired by 6 Tries to Guess a Number Between 1-100, how many guesses would it take if you can ask if the outcome of an operation is equal, less than, or more than a number.
In other words, Alice picks a number $x$ such that $1\leq x \leq 100$ and her friend Bob asks $f(x) \overset{?}{=} y$ to which Alice may only respond with 'correct', 'bigger', and 'lower'.
An example would be Bob asking $ x \overset{?}{\equiv} 1\pmod 3$ and Alice replying 'higher'. Bob has now eliminated ⅔ of the domain.
How many guesses would it take before he can state the correct number Bob?
Please note that I do not have an answer to this question, but since using modulo powers of 3 is equivalent to the solution I gave to a similar question, I have an upper bound of stating it on your 6th 'guess'.