An intrepid globetrotter needs to know this:
BENIN is in Libya
CANADA is in China
DENMARK is in the United States
FRANCE is in Germany
INDIA is in ??
An intrepid globetrotter needs to know this:
BENIN is in Libya
CANADA is in China
DENMARK is in the United States
FRANCE is in Germany
INDIA is in ??
The answer is:
United States
The first three letters are IATA codes of airports:
BENin = Benina International Airport in Benghazi, Libya
CANada = Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou, China
DENmark = Denver International Airport in Denver, United States
FRAnce = Frankfurt Airport in Frankfurt, Germany
INDia = Indianapolis International Airport in Indianapolis, United States
Another answer could be
INDIA itself. :)
Based on the explanations for BENIN , CANADA , DENMARK and FRANCE given by Bolo.
INDia :: Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, India