Let us write the number as $abcdefghij$.
$ab$, $abcd$, $abcdef$, $abcdefgh$, $abcdefghij$ are all even, therefore $\{b, d, f, h, j\}$ are the even digits and the remaining digits $\{a, c, e, g, i\}$ are the odd digits.
Let's write $k \mid N$ (read "k divides N") when $N$ is a multiple of $k$.
$10 \mid abcdefghij \implies j = 0$.
$5 \mid abcde \implies e$ is $0$ or $5$. But $0$ is taken, so $e = 5$.
$4 \mid abcd$ $\implies$ $4 \mid cd$. This with $c$ odd $\implies$ $d \in \{2,6\}$.
$8 \mid abcdefgh$ $\implies$ $4 \mid gh$. This with $g$ odd $\implies$ $h \in \{2,6\}$.
The last 2 lines imply $\{d,h\} = \{2,6\}$. In either order.
We know $\{b, d, f, h, j\}$ are the even digits. Since $j=0$ and $\{d,h\} = \{2,6\}$, the remaining digits are 4 and 8. $\{b,f\}=\{4,8\}$.
$3 \mid abc \implies 3 \mid abc000$. This with $6 \mid abcdef$ implies $3 \mid def$.
But we already know $e=5$, $d \in \{2,6\}$ and $f \in \{4,8\}$. Only $def=258$ and $def=654$ satisfy these conditions. The choice of $d$ and $f$ also force the value of $b$ and $h$.
So far we have 2 partial solutions: $\_4\_258\_6\_0$ and $\_8\_654\_2\_0$.
$8 \mid abcdefgh$ $\implies$ $8 \mid fgh$. But $f$ is even, $8 \mid f00$, so we just need $8 \mid gh$. This with $g \in \{1,3,7,9\}$ leaves only $gh \in \{16,32,72,96\}$.
a) Let's consider $\_4\_258\_6\_0$. In that case we have $g \in \{1,9\}$.
$3 \mid abc$ with $b=4$ and $a,c \in \{1,3,7,9\}$ leaves only 2 possibilities: $abc \in \{147, 741\}$.
If $abcdef=147258$ with $7 \mid abcdefg$ then $g=3$. But this is not possible because $g \in \{1,9\}$.
If $abcdef=741258$ with $7 \mid abcdefg$ then $g=7$. This is not possible for the same reason.
So there is no solution for case (a).
b) Let's consider $\_8\_654\_2\_0$. In that case we have $g \in \{3,7\}$.
$3 \mid abc$ with $b=8$ and $a,c \in \{1,3,7,9\}$ gives 8 possibilities: $abc \in \{183,189,381,387,783,789,981,987\}$. Two of them, $387$ and $783$, are incompatible with $g \in \{3,7\}$. They can be removed. (Thanks to frodoskywalker.)
For the remaining 6 solutions you need to find $g$ that satisfies $7 \mid abcdefg$ and verify that $g \in \{3,7\}$.
For $abc=381$, we have $abcdef=381654$. $7 \mid abcdefg$ implies $g=7$ which is valid. You can complete it with $i=9$ and you get the solution: $abcdefghij=3816547290$.
No other $abc$ under consideration gives a valid $g$.
The only solution is 3816547290.