A rebus has gone missing. What rebus, and under which $~\boxed{\sf~ \raise{.5ex}\underline\quad \, ? ~\raise{.1ex}\strut}$ ?
$$ \color{#274}{\boxed{ \quad \begin{matrix} \\[-1ex] & \kern-1em \rm ADAD & & \raise{2.5ex}\strut \kern-2em\raise{1.2ex}\color{black}{\boxed{\sf~ here? ~\raise{.1ex}\strut}} \\[-1ex] & \kern-1em \rm ADAD & & & & \kern-1em\rm LLL \\[-1ex] & & & & & \kern-1em\rm LLL & & \kern-1em x \, y \\[-1ex] & & & & & & & \kern-1em z \:\: t \\[-1ex] \rm XCXC & & & & & & & \\[-1ex] \rm XCXC & & & & & & & & & \kern-2em\raise{-2ex}\color{black}{\boxed{\sf~ perhaps? ~\raise{.1ex}\strut\raise{-.2ex}\strut}} \\[-1ex] & & \kern-2em\raise{1.4ex}\color{black}{\boxed{\sf~ maybe? ~\raise{.1ex}\strut\raise{-.2ex}\strut}} & & \kern-1em\rm TTT & & \\[-1ex] & & & & \kern-1em\rm TTT & & \kern-1em\raise{-1.2ex}\color{black}{\boxed{\sf~ or? ~\raise{.1ex}\strut}} \\[-1ex] & & & & & & & & & & & \kern-1em\rm Sn \\[-1ex] & & & & & & & &\kern-1em ~ 2e/6 & & & \kern-1em\rm Sn \\[0ex] & & & & & & & &\kern-1em e/2 {-} \!\; e/6 & & \\[-1ex] & & & & & & & & & & \kern-1em\rm TT \\[-1ex] & & & & & & & & & & & & \kern-1em\rm ZZZZZ \\[-1ex] & & & & & & & & \raise{-1.7ex}\strut & & & & \kern-1em\rm ZZZZZ \\ \end{matrix} \quad }} $$
Naturally, the answer may be rebused more than one way.
Nothing is under three of the $~\raise{-1.2ex}{^{^\boxed{\sf~ \raise{.5ex}\underline\quad \, ? ~\raise{.1ex}\strut}}}~\!$s. Hint from a comment:
The clues $\rm\raise{-.3ex}{\color{#274}{~ \atop TT}}$ and $\rm\raise{2.3ex}{\color{#274}{\raise{-.5ex}{Sn} \atop Sn}}$ lead to stereotypical New Zealand pronunciations.