Since it is 9 am now, in 50 hours, 10 am comes twice, so we will have two trials, assuming we have any birds left.
The first trial idea comes from @manshu. We will split the bottles up into 4 groups of 60 and label them and number them. The first group will be $A=\{a_1, ... a_{60}\}$ for example.
We will then create a fifth group $E=\{a_1, ... a_{15}, b_1, ... b_{15}, c_1, ... c_{15}, d_1, ... d_{15}\}$.
Now label all the parrots $A, B, C, D, E$ and give them a sip from all the bottles in their same named group at 10 am of the first day.
In 24 hours, you will have one of 2 cases:
1 parrot turns red. You can exclude all bottles in $E$ and the other three groups. This means that the poisoned bottle is one of 45 bottles in that group, and you have 4 birds remaining.
2 parrots turn red. This means that the poisoned bottle is one of 15 bottles in that group, and you have 3 birds remaining.
Now we can number the bottles in binary and take the lower bits to decide which bird to feed it to. For example, if the bottle number is 35, in binary it is 100011. If you have 4 bird, then use the last 4 bits 0011 and feed it to the first and second bird, since the first and second bit are set in that number. Repeat with all the bottles.
If you started with 4 birds and 45 bottles, then you can see which birds turn and re-create the binary number. If birds 3 and 4 change, then the binary number is 1100. So you know that birds 12 (001100), and 28 (011100), and 44 (101100) might be poisonous.
If you started with 3 birds and 15 bottles, then you can do a bit better and only end up with two possibilities.
Thus, at the end, you can guarantee
237 bottles
are safe.
you cannot pour the content of a bottle to another to make it as another bottle
means we can't use group testing? $\endgroup$