
As an agent for the CIA, you are forced to take the test to re-validate your membership. Surprisingly, they send you a cryptogram no test-taker has been able to solve. The answer is quite clear to the guys who made the cryptogram, but hard to those who didn't:

745692789632147412369 741253698521478963!
9874156147896398745632198745632174125369789632147418953741268 7412689874123514789638529874123574126!

The only hint they would ever give that it is two phrases ending in ! and each string of numbers represents a word. So what is the message anyways?

745692789632147412369 = ?
741253698521478963! = ?
9874156147896398745632198745632174125369789632147418953741268 = ?
7412689874123514789638529874123574126! = ?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ You sure there's not some digits missing? I get the first phrase, and can make a partial fit/guess at the second based on the title, but it seems like it gets "corrupted" in the second phrase (especially word three). $\endgroup$
    – Alconja
    Commented Feb 8, 2016 at 4:29
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Like @Alconja, I think I get the answer, but the last letter of the third word seems to be missing, and the first two letters of that word aren't great. $\endgroup$
    – f''
    Commented Feb 8, 2016 at 4:55

1 Answer 1


Pretty sure the message is:


Found by using the numbers given to:

trace out individual letter patterns on the number pad of a keyboard.

So specifically, letter by letter:

745692 = Y
78963214 = O (though arguably needs an extra 7 at the end)
7412369 = U
74125369 = W
852 = I
1478963 = N (looks like a lower case N)
9874156 = P (though probably should have an extra 9)
1478963 = A (though it actually looks the same as the "N" above)
987456321 = S
987456321 = S
74125369 = W
78963214 = O (needs another 7)
7418953 = R
741268 = D
741268 = D
98741235 = E (though you have to squint a bit)
1478963 = N (as above)
852 = I
98741235 = E
74126 = D (edit that fixed the end of "password" seems to have dropped the last "8" though to close the D)

...though I've got to admit, I don't really understand the purpose of the "Who am I?" in the title, or the actual meaning of the message, so it's possible there's more to it.

  • $\begingroup$ The title was to mislead the users. I guess it was a little too misleading but great job! $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 9, 2016 at 0:25

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