As an agent for the CIA, you are forced to take the test to re-validate your membership. Surprisingly, they send you a cryptogram no test-taker has been able to solve. The answer is quite clear to the guys who made the cryptogram, but hard to those who didn't:
745692789632147412369 741253698521478963!
9874156147896398745632198745632174125369789632147418953741268 7412689874123514789638529874123574126!
The only hint they would ever give that it is two phrases ending in !
and each string of numbers represents a word. So what is the message anyways?
745692789632147412369 = ?
741253698521478963! = ?
9874156147896398745632198745632174125369789632147418953741268 = ?
7412689874123514789638529874123574126! = ?