It is
This is not my own work, I got this answer from here.
Let's say we flip the coin $F$ times. For each $k$, we will take the $\binom{F}k$ coin flip sequences which have exactly $k$ heads and divide these as evenly as possible among the first $N-1$ outcomes. Since $\binom{F}k$ may not be divisible by $N-1$, there might be some remainder $r_k$ left over; these remaining $r_k$ sequences will be assigned to the last outcome.
By construction, the first $N-1$ outcomes are all equally likely. Let's say the coin is biased so that $P($heads$)=b$. The probability of the last outcome, let's call it $R(b)$, is given by adding up all the probabilities of the leftover sequences:
Note that $R(0)=1$, and
R(1/2)=\sum_{k=0}^F r_k(1/2)^F\le FN(1/2)^F
since the remainders $r_k$ are all at most $N$. This means that we can choose $F$ large enough so $R(1/2)<\frac1N$. Then, by the Intermediate Value Theorem, we can choose a value $b$ between $0$ and $1/2$ for which $R(b)=\frac1N$.