Ok, so I run a play-by-post RPG campaign and I have the following "puzzle" set out for the group. My main worry is that they won't get it so I figured I'd try it here first. Other than solving it, I'd also love it if you could give indications of what got you through it, what things are too obvious, etc. and if you think it's too hard for novice puzzlers :)
I doubted for a while if I should post it here or over at RPG SE, but in the end I feel this is mostly a puzzle question. This is an edited version of the puzzle so that when they google it they wont go immediately here.
Short bit of prestory: It's 27th April 3577 AF, You're an inquisitor in training, in a foreign land investigating. During the night, your mentor suddenly left and all he did was leave you a note. The note is in his handwriting but the content is very much not in his style. You notice there's some odd misspellings in the letter that form the word hidden, and when you investigate further you notice the second letter of each word spells out that you should look in his dresser. In his dresser, in a secret compartment you find another scroll, completely jibberish apart from the top line, and a necklace.
The note reads:
see you again in 12 years
aew tprhowi se wlindao,s trth e isn aglnccecpaot o ntudp o.sernet e mact twhhhiay no cnlu tyl srbek pne yobyr oeslfuf.dhem eae wI tn es edIroc ae n abv liaet ucot .kyo