Is it possible to draw a closed path on the surface of a standard $3\times3\times3$ Rubik's cube
- such that the path traverses exactly one diagonal of each of the $54$ little squares, and
- such that the path does not intersect itself?
Is it possible to draw a closed path on the surface of a standard $3\times3\times3$ Rubik's cube
The answer is no.
Consider the graph formed by "corners" of the squares on the Rubik's cube. These are the vertices we're moving between. Assign each vertex coordinates in $\{0 \dots 3\}^3$. We observe that diagonal moves can't change the parity of $(x+y+z \bmod 2)$:
The problem asks for a Eulerian cycle on this subgraph.
Note that there are vertices of degree three: they are marked by the red spheres on the corners of the cube in the above image. This means there is no Eulerian cycle: there is an odd number of ways from/to the corners, but a Eulerian cycle needs an even number (intuitively, it needs as many ways from as it needs ways to each vertex).