You are the protagonist in a game designed by NeedAName Inc. Proceed through the levels using your video game knowledge to solve the puzzles therein. Solve all levels and beat the game!
Level 4: Secret Cow Boss Level
Having bested the previous levels and proven your prowess with games, you now find yourself in the inner workings of a console running a video game. You look around and on each of 3 walls you see a section with information written. On the floor of the room in the center, you see: 'Part 1 → Part 2 → Part 3 → Who are you?'. Using the information on the walls and your knowledge (video game and otherwise), can you answer the final question and beat the game?
Part 1: Physics
$8.9875517873681764 \times 10^{16}$
$3.6266180501548694449 \times 10^{47}$
$9.3094189052089 \times 10^{9}$
$8.396989835536 \times 10^{-6}$
$3.6266180501548694449 \times 10^{47}$
Part 2: Memory
- 0x00000000: 0
- 0x00000001-00000005: 19--
- 0x00000001 htrit ipvgw ifsfj iccsk titwr weyfp cqgc. jqobe xjcsz giovg lqxwj elkew xudvc rpvko sxit.
- 0x00000002 vside bcmpx csanp rqexm ezpet zjwem peup. ttrup hvzgt ntzpg ,tjqy vaake ljatp .
- 0x00000003 wyzji mphce atrmo jctv, yoglg gsiwa oolkx .mxhp hifes raojx jpwjc spxqq rnm.
- 0x00000004 yzvqd glqqf wlanp izas, nlmmp qhctu sxmpo .amau twvsi debcs heljf jcwvz jrylt rf?
- 0x00000005 cyesa mzkez rxomp ,mody weuze ofwj. fjyhq fxbhf ymylw hrflx goswl pdi.
- 0x00000006-00000007: #--
- 0x00000006 sfmye usiux eqldc iceyw e,xtx jzrqy pyioz zj.wj elkyw yaoea kelir bhen, ppzsj gikav tvf.
- 0x00000007 jfqfn pthhp qflfj swoss txlrv esrit d.cqf vjuoo itxcx pfwpk qctuh tzgxi fkjdw .
- 0x00000008-00000009: --
- 0x00000008 jphle izk,u zpiif c,tnf qgeso sotrf tjzr. kewdo vcjky eqfjy enoix tjyev tss.
- 0x00000009 htvxt pqjqf vxtbe mqyw, nrflh hcsra etwe. ssbmb ycdtx xcbyc qfjnn etroj vnsd?
Part 3: Graphics
$\begin{bmatrix} 9&9&9&9&9&9&9&4&4&4&0&0&0&0&0&0\\ 9&9&9&9&9&9&3&9&9&9&8&4&9&9&9&9\\ 9&9&9&9&9&3&4&4&4&4&4&4&8&9&9&9\\ 9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9\\ 9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&4&4&4\\ 9&4&9&4&9&4&9&4&9&9&9&9&7&9&9&9\\ 7&6&7&6&7&6&7&6&7&9&9&9&7&9&9&9\\ 9&2&9&2&9&2&9&2&9&9&9&9&7&9&9&9\\ 9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&7&9&9&9\\ 4&4&4&4&4&4&4&4&4&4&4&4&7&4&4&4 \end{bmatrix}$
$\begin{bmatrix} 0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0\\ 9&4&4&4&4&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0\\ 7&9&9&9&9&7&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0\\ 7&9&9&9&9&7&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0\\ 7&9&9&9&9&7&9&9&9&9&3&1&5&8&0&0\\ 7&9&9&9&9&7&9&9&9&9&9&7&7&0&0&0\\ 7&9&9&9&9&7&9&9&9&4&4&7&7&4&4&0\\ 7&9&9&9&9&7&9&9&7&4&4&4&4&4&4&7\\ 7&9&9&9&9&7&9&9&9&7&9&9&9&9&7&0\\ 7&4&4&4&4&7&4&4&4&7&4&4&4&4&7&0 \end{bmatrix}$
The accepted answer will address all parts of the puzzle and provide an answer to each. Teamwork is encouraged, if you want to make a community wiki, feel free.