This is a simple one, but it's BTTF (Back to the Future) day, so I figured it was appropriate:
What goes a minute in four seconds?
This is a simple one, but it's BTTF (Back to the Future) day, so I figured it was appropriate:
What goes a minute in four seconds?
Earth rotates through one minute of arc every 4 seconds.
The hour hand on a 24-hour clock.
There are 360 degrees in a circle and 60 minutes in a degree, so a minute is 1/360/60 = 1/21600 of a circle. The hour hand moves 1/24/60/60 = 1/86400 of a circle each second, so in 4 seconds it moves 4/86400 = 1/21600.
Note: If you say "earth", make sure to qualify that you are talking about its rotation with respect to the sun, since its rotation with respect to the stars is about 1/365 off of one full rotation each day.
There is no time travel involved.
The fastest cars in the world (not counting drag racers)
Because... (The math is pretty rough but I think it shows I'm on the right track)
"Minute" means "minute of arc" and not a unit of time
Diameter of Earth = 7,917.5 miles
Perimeter of Earth = 24,873.6 miles (I know it's not really a sphere)
One degree of arc = 69.1 miles
One minute of arc = 1.15 miles
Top speed of the Venom GT = 270 mph
Distance traveled by Venom GT in 15 seconds = 1.13 miles